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Informacije o podjetju

At TELUS Digital, we enable customer experience innovation through spirited teamwork, agile thinking, and a caring culture that puts customers first. TELUS Digital is the global arm of TELUS Corporation, one of the largest telecommunications service providers in Canada. We deliver contact center and business process outsourcing (BPO) solutions to some of the world's largest corporations in the consumer electronics, finance, telecommunications and utilities sectors. With global call center delivery capabilities, our multi-shore, multi-language programs offer safe, secure infrastructure, value-based pricing, skills-based resources and exceptional customer service - all backed by TELUS, our multi-billion dollar telecommunications parent.

Primeren kader za podjetje

At TELUS Digital, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All aspects of employment, including the decision to hire and promote, are based on applicants’ qualifications, merits, competence and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.

Produkti in storitve podjetja

AI Data Solutions
High-quality data and human intelligence to test, train and improve AI models.

Empower generative AI (GenAI), computer vision and natural language processing models with data enriched by highly-qualified AI specialists and a managed AI Community of over one million crowd contributors. Leverage our proprietary AI-assisted and quality-optimized technology for data collection, labeling and fine-tuning. From data collection to validation, we support ambitious AI programs that enable autonomous driving, GenAI model adoption, extended reality applications, insightful search and futuristic digital and customer experiences.

Learn More: https://www.telusdigital.com/solutions/ai-data-solutions?linkname=ai_data_solutions&linktype=footer

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